Sunday April 24th, 2022

The exercise:

Write about: forgetting.

It seems I completely forgot to do a post last night. My apologies, I'm not at all sure how that happened. Didn't have a draft sitting unpublished.


Greg said...

And there was me thinking there was something subtle in the prompt that you had to decode to work out how to actually write on it...

Fabian looked at the walking stick and then the shocked faces of his friends, and then back at the walking stick. "Are you sure?" he said. His knees ached and he realised he needed to decide between standing up and sitting down and went for sitting down. A moment later, as everyone else finished standing up he mentally sighed and stood up too.
"Yes," said Dread flatly. "You can't see the magical signature that thing has. The power in it is ridiculous. I can see why it was locked away."
"We should put it back," said Rystin, completely missing the look of rage that the Maestro shot his way. "It is a Museum Artefact!" announced the Maestro, shouting over everyone who was now trying to speak. The hubbub of voices died down a little and faded to silence as the Maestro turned around, his gaze forcibly quelling resistance. "It belongs to the Museum and there shall be no forgetting that! It needs to be studied, and it cannot be studied in a stasis cylinder. That should be without question."
Fabian steeled himself, wishing his stomach didn't feel like it was somersaulting. "If Dread and Rystin both feel it is too powerful to have on general display," he said, his voice only trembling a touch, "then while you may study it, Maestro, it will be you, and probably you alone, granted that permission, and it must, without question, be locked back up in stasis whenever you're not actually with it." He badly wanted to sit down, and his knees were shaking like they intended to force him to, but he rested a hand lightly on the back of the chair in front of him and hoped that someone would save him from the Maestro's anger.
Which never came.
"That is reasonable," said the Maestro, though he was smiling more than Fabian felt was a good thing. "I can study it in here, so let us take a further step and ban its removal from this room. At least until it has been studied and understood and documented."
Dread whispered, "He thinks you've given him exclusive access to the Staff. Good work."
"Have I?" Fabian whispered back, assuming that Dread was using some magic to have the words audible despite them both looking at the scene in front of them.
"Not exactly," said Dread, and there was a note of humour in his voice. "Which is good, because I think we need to use that Staff ourselves."
"I think we need to go and look in the Halls of Sunset and find out what the Auditors are after before they get there themselves. Don't forget, they're pretty much the reason for all our problems at the moment."

Marc said...

Greg - I wish that was the case...

Dread and Fabian exploring the Halls of Sunset together is an adventure I can definitely get behind!