Sunday April 3rd, 2022

The exercise:

Write about: aches and pains.

We were working on the backyard this afternoon - preparing the garden box, planting seeds, doing some general tidy up - and I was working on organizing the storage shed. I'd pulled my bike out, as well as the boys', and they were the last to go back in.

Well, they were about to be when Max, and then Miles, decided the first bike ride of the year was at hand. So we did a few laps around the complex and I am feeling quite confident that my body will be reminding me of this outing for the rest of the week.


Greg said...

So you don't need me to remind you of this, but stretch before you go to bed and when you get up in the morning and you'll dramatically reduce those aches and pains :) But that sounds like a good way to remember how to ride a bike!

Aches and pains
"Wisp-elf magic?" said Fabian, not noticing that the policewoman who'd been calling him 'Sir' had gone very pale. "Who knows how to cast wisp-elf magic?" He felt slightly proud of himself for knowing that there were different types of magic and being able to say something sensible.
"Wisp-elves," said Rystin, deflating Fabian with two words. "Mostly. They do teach their brand of magic, so it's possible that someone else has learned it and is using it."
"But why?" That probably wasn't a sensible question, but Fabian was still coming to terms with his intelligent question turning out to be stupid after all.
"To hide what they're up to?" said Dread. "Or perhaps there's a particular spell they're trying to cast that works best with wisp-elf magic. Or maybe they're just a wisp-elf and don't have any choice."
Fabian resolved to stop trying to join in conversations about magic. "Right," he said. "I should probably have thought of all that myself. I suppose the question I should be asking is: why me?"

Greg said...

[Sorry, overran. I thought I'd kept it just short enough too!]

He tried very hard not to feel proud again as that managed to reduce the others to silence, but as the silence drew out the pride started to fade away and was replaced with fear instead. "Why me," he repeated at last. "It doesn't make any sense at all, does it? At the moment the only people who might be interested in seeing something bad happen to me are the Au--"
"Unauthorised visitors to the Museum!" said Dread smartly, cutting Fabian off. "And breaking in to spellbind your office is a quite unreasonable reaction to being asked to leave because they were talking too loudly."
"No," said Fabian, "I mean the Au--"
"Ordinary visitors? No, I don't think this is a reasonable response to them either!" Dread's voice was louder this time. He looked at the policewoman. "Is it safe to go into the Director's office?"
She, still as pale as fresh white laundry, shrugged. "Sir! I don't know Sir! Sir!" She saluted again, this time with just one arm.
"You should sit down," said Dread gently, taking her by the elbow. "Fabian, can you get a chair from another office? And Rystin, what can you tell us about the magic?"
Fabian fumbled with his keys, his brain slowly realising that Dread wanted to stop him talking about the Auditors in front of a stranger, and then remembered that two doors down was a meeting room. He opened the door and pulled a hard-backed chair out and set it in the corridor opposite, but a short-way down from, his door. "Sit there," he said. "Me worrying about visitors when you have aches and pains as well. How rude of me."
Dread winked at him.
A few minutes later Rystin finished whatever he was doing around the door and rubbed his eyes. "Well," he said. "Whoever did this knew what they were doing, which just strengthens the hypothesis that it's a wisp-elf in my opinion. But they were interrupted and didn't finish it, which is actually a nuisance. You need to get a mage-team here to clean this up properly -- you won't be using your office this morning, I think. This is some kind of mind-trap though, it's well outside my experience. I think it's supposed to settle on you like some kind of tick or mantis maybe, and then it rides you and tries to control you. It's... it's really nothing I understand."
Dread frowned. "I'll sort out the mage-team then," he said. "Forensic mage-team. Since I think the Empire would very much like to know who is testing out mind-control spells on Directors before they pick someone with a lot more power."

Marc said...

Greg - I should generally stretch more. But I don't. So, thanks for the reminder but I will definitely not pay any attention to it.

Hmm, that's a rather worrying bit of magic to be hanging around one's office. Glad Fabian didn't get trapped in it.