Friday April 8th, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: Dr. Doestoomuch.

Tweaked my shoulder/neck this afternoon by, I don't know, looking to my left the wrong way? I think what I probably need is a massage therapist, but whatever, this prompt made me smile so I went with it.


Greg said...

You should stretch more. Like, every day more :) Though you may have to spend six weeks telling yourself that every day before you start believing it :-D

Dr. Doestoomuch
Dr. Doestoomuch's receptionist, Sally, read the prescription that the blonde, bob-cut woman in the fussy pea-green coat had thrust at her again and realised she had to tiptoe into the doctor's office and ask him about it.
"Did you really mean to prescribe Mrs Karren six toilet rolls, a bottle of bleach, and a half-pint of stain remover?" she asked, trying to ignore that the doctor had four children on the examining table and appeared to be trying to examine, respectively, ears, throat, stomach and ankles, with the same tools.
"No," he said, placing the stethoscope against an ankle and looking confused, "that sounds like my shopping list. But... actually, given her condition that should work just as well and is probably cheaper."

Marc said...

Greg - yup, I should. And yup, I won't.

Hah, I like this take on the prompted doctor and wouldn't be at all opposed to you bringing him by for a visit now and then :)