Saturday April 2nd, 2022

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: the detective.


Greg said...

That was quite the commenting spree you went on! I hope it was fun, as it must have been a lot of reading. Fabian should resume next week now that I'm back with my notes on the story, if you even remember who he is ;-)

The detective?
I feel out of place, I’m not sticky at all
Aren’t detectives like glue traps? I’m thinking quite fast
And I miss something big; well that’s a close call!
My time as detective simply won’t last.

Marc said...

Greg - yes it was quite the spree, and yes I most definitely enjoyed it. Always wonder why I have trouble making time for doing that, since I always like it once I begin.

And obviously I remember who Fabian is. He's the one that got hit in the face by a bird on a roller coaster.

Continue to be impressed by your ability to keep this going in the format you started with. I'm pretty sure I would have given up by now myself. So well done!