Thursday June 12th, 2008

The exercise:

Tell a story from the viewpoint of an element of the weather - a cloud, the wind, a snowflake, etc.


The story of George the Raindrop.

"Hey Bob, where's everybody going?"
"What's down there?"
"I dunno but I think I'm gonna join them, I'm getting pretty bored up here. You want to go with me?
"But those guys that went down last week never came back."
"Maybe it's better down there."
"Or maybe something terrible happened to them."
"Only one way to find out. You coming?"
"I dunno Bob..."
"Come on, everybody else is doing it! You don't want to be left up here by yourself do you?"
"Well the ground is starting to get a bit thin anyway. Oh, alright, let's do it."
"Great! Okay on three we jump. One, two..."
"Wait, wait! Are we jumping on three, or three then we go?"
"George, you're really starting to tick me off."
"I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page! What if..."
"When I say three we're going, okay?"
"Alright, alright."
"One, two... three!"
"Isn't this great?!"
"We're going pretty fast, maybe we should slow down a little."
"How do you propose we do that George? Just sit back and enjoy the ride!"
"I don't think this was a good idea Bob!"
"Oh come on, this is fun! Say, what's that down there?"
"It's getting bigger in a real big hurray!"
"Hmm? HMM?! That's all you've got to say for yourself?!"
"Hang on tight, this looks like it's gonna hurt a little bit."
"Never again, Bob! NEVER AGA-"


Margo Lamont said...

I am a vast expanse of blue
Huge swells - a tsunami!
Red rubber boots run through
My crater in the lane
I am a rainpuddle,
A mosquito hovercrafts
Over my rippled surface:
I am Lake Suprerior
I reflect the skudding clouds
In the sky and we are one

world of experience said...

Looking at old prompts, I found this one about George...great!