Friday March 15th, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the weekend warrior.


Unknown said...

After an eventful day, the fallout. Then comes the weekend warrior, presumably working overtime to get things all fixed up after the fallout? I am looking forward to finding out what happened this week :)

The weekend warrior
The staff meeting at StrongStart was packed; all the teachers had gotten wind that the Headmaster might finally have found a way of solving the budget problems and were eager to hear about it.
"I've signed you all up to the Primary Reserve," he said without preamble, the paleness of his face and the shaking of his fingers betraying his nervousness, "with your classes."
Shock prevented anyone from speaking.
"It'll only be on weekends, public holidays and will probably use up 85% of your holiday entitlement, but you'll have the children with you at all times, and we can afford to give you a nice olive-and-khaki uniform embroidered with 'Weekling Warriors" on it, since some of you were quite derisory about the term 'weekend warrior'...".

Marc said...

Greg - heh, ended up being not much of anything. This week has been a little more eventful.

Has WrongStart graduated to StrongStart, or was that a slip of the fingers?

Either way, this seems like a fine solution to budget problems!