Tuesday March 26th, 2019

The exercise:

Write two haiku about something that is: ubiquitous.


Greg said...

Things have gone slightly better than expected, but not as well as they could have done. Call it 70%, and a minor, but useful victory :) We have a couple more weeks to submit documents, and that might prove to be enough.

I was tempted to write one of these haiku about ubiquitin, which is protein found everywhere in the human body, but eventually decided that I’m not supposed to be teaching biology :)

Cheating at Scrabble,
She played UBIQUITOUS; her
Opponent shot her.

I find this word in
All the places I look in.
It is “everywhere”.

Marc said...

Greg - I am shocked that you resisted the temptation to write haiku about ubiquitin. But also, I think, relieved...

Well, it wouldn't be cheating if 'quit' was already on the board and you just added to it... just saying.

Hah, I do appreciate your second one... that's some great work :D