Sunday March 31st, 2019

The exercise:

Write about: the birthday girl.

Happy birthday to my lovely wife. The boys and I are lucky to have you in our lives.


Greg said...

I have to say, I'm very tempted to write the next Lord Derby episode today anyway, and have it turn out to be Grace's birthday so they set her free as her birthday present. And if it were April 1st, I probably would have done :)
Still, Happy Birthday Kat!

The birthday girl
Outside Elizabeth tower there were now two squads of Warlocks, the military arm of the mages. There was an ongoing debate at the levels of the Lords as to whether the Lords Magical or Lords Martial should command them, with current consensus being that the Lords Magical would command them on paper, but not without consulting with the Lords Martial first out of good manners. They had closed off Parliament Square and the road across the bridge and there was a Warlock stood in the centre of Parliament Square, where he had a good view of everything, waiting for the forces the Lords Martial were deploying to suit up and arrive. At the end of the Houses of Parliament the Elizabeth Tower was now surrounded by a dusty yellow haze and there were two mages leaning out of the windows of the House of Commons, on the river-side, trying to see if the haze was spreading onto, or worse into, the river itself. Traffic was being diverted onto Horseguards Parade and through Trafalgar Square, which was working but annoying a lot of people, and there was a jam building up as people slowed down to try and see what was happening.

"Forensic 4, reporting," said a medium-height man wearing blue robes tied with a brown belt that looked oddly woody. Strands of fibre stuck out from it like twigs and it seemed too stiff to be a proper belt. "We were told there was a Safe Passage?"
"In there." The Scene-of-Magic-Office pointed towards the room where the Gate had been created. As the squad -- three Warlocks in total -- hurried off, the SOMO ran his eyes over them, as well as looked at the distortions they made in the Power, checking for irregularities or oddities. All looked fine, so he returned his attention to the Priests who were laying out the bodies of the fallen and assessing what had happened.
At the Gate Arthur was waiting. He looked calm but tense, peering at the golden tunnel that led wherever as though worried that it was going to close up and vanish at any moment.
"Arthur!" The Warlock in blue robes sounded startled. "I thought it was --"
"-- Desdemona's birthday today? Yes, she's not at all happy that I had to leave before the dessert course. She'll understand."
"Eventually," said the blue Warlock. "She's still a firebrand."
Arthur smiled happily, his eyes momentarily distant. "She is that," he said. "But that's my problem. I should be asking you what you're doing here; since when do the Druids get involved in forensics?"
"They don't, I do," said the blue Warlock. "Call it a King's Initiative and ask me about it in Council. The usual secrecy laws apply."
"Red tape everywhere these days," said Arthur. "Well, what we have here is a--"
"--Safe Passage--"
"--quite, and don't interrupt. You're still younger than me--"
"-- by three days."
Arthur glared and the blue Warlock stuck his tongue out.
"We need to know where this goes, and quickly," he said. "I think we have an incursion."
"A Gate in Elizabeth Tower? Damn straight we have an incursion!"

Marc said...

Greg - I thank you for somehow resisting such great temptation :P

Intriguing developments in London. I quite like how they're handling things so far. Still not at all convinced that things will end well, but I do like they're initial response...