Wednesday March 13th, 2019

The exercise:

Write about: an eventful day.


Greg said...

I hope you've made notes about why this was an eventful day, because you're about a week behind on comments and you know I'm only going to ask what made the day so eventful :)

An eventful day
As the yellow smoke became a hooded figure there was the sound of running feet outside the room that Labdaris was half-lying, half-sitting in. He looked up, noting that the door was closed, and then noted equally quickly that the running feet had stopped.
"They're not going to just run in without preparation," he said, adding "my liege" as a casual afterthought. He coughed; the ordinary Power seemed to take much longer to permeate his body and heal him than the King in Yellow's. He put that thought aside to consider later. The yellow figure waved a half-ghostly hand in the direction of the Gate, which Labdaris took as meaning that there would be someone -- or something -- else coming through. He started pushing Power more actively into the gemstones in his joints, aware that if he rushed things too much he could burn them out and leave himself helpless, but unwilling to be still half-helpless when the King's servants arrived.
He dwelled on that for a moment, turning the thought over in his mind. Why did the phrase King's Servitor seem so familiar?
The door to the room swung open and something heavy thudded into the room. Labdaris looked at it through eyes attuned to the Power and saw a compact spell unwind like a clockspring set loose. Smoke billowed into the air, dense and choking. Labdaris smiled, effortlessly twisting a thin wire of Power around himself to keep the air clean and breathable; this was an elegant reversal of the room-cleaning charm that student's learned in their first week. The King in Yellow seemed unbothered by it.
Ten seconds later something else was thrown into the room; small metallic objects that glittered despite the occluding smoke and dragged a net of Power behind it. Labdaris's breath caught in his throat, admiring how it used kinetic energy to position itself before invoking the Power to ensnare and dampen anything in the room. Most mages, maybe even himself, would have been imprisoned by this.
As the net fell to the floor, Labdaris noticed that it had missed him and was equidistantly spaced around the King in Yellow. Two mages, dressed in battle-armour, appeared in the doorway, still looking cautious. The King in Yellow reached out his hand, and his arm stretched impossibly towards them. Labdaris couldn't work out if it was a trick of perspective or if the King actually contracted the physical space, but it was as though he didn't move and stood right next to them at the same time. One of the mages looked startled, the other collapsed as the King's hand slipped through her glassy battle armour into her chest and closed around her heart.
"This is an eventful day," murmured Labdaris, reaching a firm conclusion. He forced himself to his feet, feeling pain shoot from his pelvis to his feet like he'd just fallen ten metres straight down, and stepped back through the Gate.

Marc said...

Greg - just a lot going on. First day of registration for the community centre's Spring programs. Last day of me running Active Kids for the Winter session (and likely for good, as I'm quite done with it at the moment). Kat took the boys to Penticton for a field trip with Max's learning centre class to the orchestra.

Oh and a job posting that I'd applied for closed at 1pm that day.

Still waiting for a phone call about that last one.

Hmm, I was not expecting Labdaris' exit at the end there. I wonder what, if any, impact that will have on the King in Yellow and what he chooses to do next.