Friday March 22nd, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: a house of gold.

Here's another fun one for you, Greg.


Unknown said...

Well, when I first started watching that video I thought that it was a good way to save on costs when setting up a band, as you only have to pay for half the usual number of musicians. But then at the end it was revealed that they're solar powered.... (I did like the video. A lot. I may use it as the jumping off point for a story one day.)

A house of gold
Midas stretched lazily, yawned, and his fingers brushed the wall of the room. There was a sudden rush of heat, washing over him like furnace breath, and then the morning sunlight was painfully bright and golden.
"Tarnation," he muttered under his breath, throwing the suddenly heavy and hard-to move covers off the solid-gold bed. "Another bloody house of gold."

Marc said...

Greg - hah, I'd be quite interested in seeing what you would do with that story :)

Thank you for sharing this poorly realized downside of being able to turn things into gold with a touch. I feel like more people need to see this in order to better appreciate their lack of gold touching magic powers.