Friday August 23rd, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: dreaming big.


Greg said...

Now that I see this prompt is 'dreaming big' I wonder if yesterday's was intended as a verb-adjective construction too, instead of the noun that I used it as. They're nice phrases though!

Dreaming big
Mary stared at her rack, sorting and resorting her tiles as she hunted for words she could lay down on the board with confidence that they wouldn't be challenged. This was Team Titanic's biggest competition so far, and she and Penelope were determined to get through to at least the semi-finals. It might not be dreaming too big but it was big for them, and it would be big news for all the people back home who thought she'd never be more than a checkout assistant. With a slight sigh she palmed some tiles and replaced them with others from a little hidden pocket in her sleeve and laid out TOWER on the board between FALSETTO and JOKERS.

Marc said...

Greg - hah, either interpretation is fine with me :)

I very much enjoyed this little insight into Mary's life. And the hidden pocket was definitely a surprise!

Unknown said...

Interesting. Provokes a lot of different thoughts in such a short paragraph. First, even I as a modest female had to laugh at the first sentence. Totally got the wrong first impression. Second sentence immediately cleared it up, if you know the game. Team with Big Dreams sure went with a name of something that started with Big Dreams. Really, Team Titanic? Did they know that this is doomed for failure? You had me pulling for the small town girl wanting to prove herself, until she cheated. This just proved the people right. Enjoyed this writing.