Tuesday August 13th, 2019

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: gut reactions.

Back home safe.


Greg said...

What kind of gut reactions inspired this prompt? Deciding, on a whim, to take the scenic route home and getting stopped by a Mountie, or discovering that a long car journey and everyone eating baked beans for breakfast was a bad idea?

Gut reactions
Autumn campfire nights;
Grizzly bears stalking through woods
Bring gut reactions

Rain in September,
Penny-royal tea to halt
All gut reactions.

Marc said...

Greg - loosely inspired, I suppose, by avoiding an accident on the highway en route home by... not a whole lot. Car in front of me hit the car in front of them, who had slammed on the brakes for no good reason.

I don't really remember the details much, so I guess I reacted on instinct? Gut reaction? Either way, we escaped unscratched.

And yeah, grizzly bears arriving at a campsite would trigger a gut reaction or two, I should think.