Tuesday August 27th, 2019

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: rats.


They're plague carrying
vermin. Hey, don't talk about
the children like that!

Nobody's excessively sick, I'm just grumpy at the moment. I suspect the boys will get over their colds about the same time my mood improves.


Greg said...

I like how your two haiku were, in fact, only one :) If it helps, I tend to refer all the time to children under the age of ten as disease-reservoirs, which is essentially what they are. Don't get me wrong, it's good for them as it's how they build up a strong immune system, but don't expect me to voluntarily get near them. And I might disinfect them if you try leaving them in my care.
Still, I like your haiku and its note of frustration. I hope the visit to the physio tomorrow (I think?) improves your shoulder and eases your grumpiness, and that you don't have to assassinate them to maintain your secret identity.

Winter becomes spring
Rats awake and gnaw through wood
The floor collapses.

Weeds grow through rubble,
Rats raise their young and grow fat,
No-one rebuilds here.

Marc said...

Greg - eh, one or two haiku. Whatever, I was grumpy. Slightly better today.

And that... is a perfectly reasonable way to talk about young kids.

Your first haiku will give me nightmares tonight.