Saturday August 31st, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about something that was: missed.

Farewell, August. See you again next year.


Bucky and Junior had grown bored with their post
And had begun to run tests
On the hideout's security measures, so
Missed the approach of their guests


Greg said...

You missed August? Perhaps you won't be happy then when I point out that in four month's time the 2010's are over and we start the 2020's. For the first time in my lifetime I'll be able to refer to "the twenties" and not talk about flappers, the aftermath of the Great War and the oncoming Great Depression :) So... do you now feel you missed a whole decade? ;-)

Hmm, so the kids are doing something sensible when they're bored, but it causes them to miss the visitors arriving? Sounds like the Master needs a third kid in there so that this doesn't happen again!

Part IV, which will be the finale of my poem, starts next week :)

The Shadow slips away in folds of dark-
-ness like his namesake. Checking on the Ro-
-bot; making sure that nothing’s missed. He finds
Just doom approaching, history’s atwist.

IvyBennet said...

Floral organza and delicate lace
Float behind as I descend to the ball.
Had I only not stared at my true love’s face
I could have seen that step and saved a fall.

Marc said...

Greg - I think the Master has plenty enough trouble with his current roster of robots.

Also: I'm quite looking forward to the twenties, though I'm not sure about there being any change in the 'approaching Great Depression' category. But I suppose Trump can't be president forever.

Ah, just doom approaching. Nothing serious, then.

Ivy - hah, nicely done. Didn't see that coming at all. Almost like that sneaky step that tripped up your narrator.