Monday July 25th, 2022

The exercise:

Write about: something that stings.

Like the wasp, for example, that stung the top of my right foot this evening. May it rest in pieces.


Greg said...

Something about the tone of your description of events makes me think that you're not expecting to read a heart-string tugging story about the family of the wasp that never returned home... which is probably good since I'm not sure I could write such a thing with a straight face. I hope the sting doesn't itch too much!

Something that stings
To the wasp today
That made its way
To my big toe
To say hello
I feel I should apologise.

It's just, you see,
You startled me.
I didn't mean
To cause a scene
And leap and swat and... scream.

And so I must extend
Condolences to all your friends
I'm very, very sorry that
I squashed you oh so very flat
And didn't think to say hello.

Marc said...

Greg - oh, the sting itched too much. So, so too much.

Also I think now I could appreciate a tale like that. Certainly couldn't have during the week that followed.

Well. Still wouldn't *write* something like this, but at least I don't feel like tracking you down and locking you in a room with a hive of angry wasps.

Huh, apparently the term for a group of wasps can be either swarm or nest. So... that's something.