Sunday July 3rd, 2022

The exercise:

Write about being: lost.

Made the mistake of going to meet a friend on my own this afternoon. I should know better than to go anywhere new without my navigator.

Rest assured, Kat kindly reminded me of this fact after I (finally) returned.


Greg said...

I didn't think Vancouver was all that new to you, and I seem to remember it's laid out fairly rectangularly... so I trust you weren't lost for too long :) Was Kat kind enough to remind you of your geographical shortcomings in front of the boys so that they can remind you in future too?

The statue on the highlands is
Wet with dew as the sun rises
And disperses the mists
That hug it at night. Different sizes
Of shadows are cast as the sun
Lifts itself to ever greater heights.
The statue's face catches a lambent ray
And is revealed as the Lost Hunter
of Brittenborn Bay.
Legends say,
That after killing the Meridian Beast;
After slaying the Brittenborn Troll;
After braving the den of the Herringbone bear;
He took a wrong turning at Arricka atoll
And walked off into an endless night.
The statue's eyeless gaze, lacking sight,
Watches, eternally patient, for the Hunter's return,
And graven into the plinth is a message,
The last thing he heard his friends say:
"Why don't you just ask the way?"

Marc said...

Greg - headed to an area I was not familiar with. Missed a couple turns. Set out with too much confidence in my ability to figure it out behind the wheel.

So, yeah, I was driving for a long, long time.

Hah, this is brilliant. Bravo!