Tuesday July 26th, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku that have something to do with: something swollen.

Like, for example, my right foot. Google tells me this is a normal amount of swelling. I still plan on finding that wasp tomorrow, bringing it back to life, and then murdering it again.


Greg said...

Ah, I see you're commenting again! I didn't think you'd start doing that until you were back home, so you've succeeded in surprising me :) And... I hope you don't catch up to yesterday's comment until you've had time to calm down (and for the swelling to go down) from the wasp attack. As I don't think you'll appreciate it without some distance from the event.

But not to worry about the swelling; your foot definitely won't get to more than double its normal size, and people definitely won't ask you if you're related to the Elephant Man when they see it. And you surely won't have to buy new shoes.

Summer: wasp kisses
Make things grow -- Dad's foot, the kids's

She said it was gas,
But when she gave birth she was
So reliev'd she cried.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, I was getting so far behind that I had to start working on it... plus I needed to make an entry in the yearlong before the end of the month!

And... those were wise observations. Let us both be grateful that I'm only today getting to these comments.

Well, the sandals weren't done up too tight for a few days, I will say that.

The ending of your first one saved it. That's all I'm going to say.