Sunday July 10th, 2022

The exercise:

Write about: a tree.

Cathedral Grove was very busy today, but still worth giving the boys an opportunity to see some big, big trees.


Greg said...

They certainly do look like some very big trees! In the UK you're more likely to go and see some very old trees (these trees are older than democracy...) and in Malta you have to read about trees on the internet :-D

That's not entirely untrue either, unfortunately.

A tree
The trees in the cemetery
Shed their leaves at night.
Instead of waiting for the cold winds of Autumn
Their leaves depart when there is no light.

Their seeds are spread by the night birds,
Who flutter squeakily when it's dark.
And where the seeds take secret root,
New trees grow with grave-dirt coated bark.

The trees are taking over,
This is a ghost-town where no-one dwells.
And when the first tree is struck by lightning,
It opens a gateway down to hell.

Marc said...

Greg - hah. I have vague memories of seeing trees in Malta. But maybe I'm remembering the ones I saw in Italy...

This is frickin' fantastic. I love the way it flows and the story it tells. Would be thrilled if this served as an opener to something longer, whether it be continued in poetry or prose.