Sunday July 24th, 2022

The exercise:

Write about: quicksand.


Greg said...

Last week in Malta now, so I'm tidying the flat up and throwing things away. Some of it is a shame to have to discard, but if I'm not taking it with me and it's not in good enough condition to donate then there's not a lot of choice. It's still a little sad in a way though.

Underneath the suspension of sand in water
Flailing has stopped now
Finding nothing to grab hold of
Or to push myself up with.
Acceptance of my fate, yet
Tantalisingly dry land is so close.
Even reaching out is too hard now.

Marc said...

Greg - taking any mementos of your time in Malta home with you?

Shuddered a bit, reading this one. Being stuck and just waiting for dehydration to end it... or an animal with a big enough appetite... ugh.