Sunday July 6th, 2008

The exercise:

I haven't decided what I'm going to write about yet. Yes, even as I'm typing this. So I'm just going to write whatever I think of first - feel free to do the same!


I still couldn't think of anything to write about after writing the above and I needed to go to the bathroom so I did, since that's where I do some of my best thinking. And while in there I decided to write about why that is. So, with all due apologies, here we go:

I guess the main reason I can do my best thinking while sitting on the can is because at this point in my life it just doesn't require a lot of thinking to get the job done in there, you know? I think I've gone to the bathroom enough that I can safely put it on autopilot and allow my thoughts to wander elsewhere. And since I never read while on the can (ew, germ infested magazines, books, and newspapers anyone?) there's not much else to focus on. So my thoughts go to the far away land of Creativity.

The only other time that happens for me is when I'm doing the dishes and I suppose it's for a similar reason. My hands are busy washing and rinsing and putting dishes on the drying rack, my mind zones out after about thirty seconds and away we go.

At pretty much all other times in my life I can find something to distract myself with, whether it's a book or the computer or whatever. Is it still cool to blame my non-existent attention span on MTV? Or in our case, MuchMusic? I know for sure it's still not cool to place any sort of blame on ourselves, so I'll just avoid that.

Now back to aimlessly surfing the internet...

1 comment:

Monica Manning said...

I don't know if you'll ever see this comment, but I had to write something. Your piece made me laugh out loud. Me ... I do my thinking in the shower. I thought I was the only one who had epiphanies in strange places.

I'm going through all your old posts and jotting down the ones that I want to use as muses. So the fact that I came across this ... looking for a muse ... makes me think I should keep pen and paper in the bathroom from now on. :O)~