Thursday July 17th, 2008

The exercise:

Another go 'round the "random cd" exercise.


Cake - Comfort Eagle - Love You Madly

I don't want to wonder if this is a blunder. I don't want to stress over every paragraph, every sentence, every single word. I just want to write.

I don't want my Creativity to be mugged by Indecision and his buddies Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt. I want my words to run across the page like carefree children, too innocent to know any better.

I don't want to fear a blank page, I want to be thrilled by it. I want to paint these empty pages with tall trees of truth, mountains of mania and clouds of cacophony.

I don't want to wonder, I want to know. And in knowing, I shall be free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

embrace the blank page!