Friday June 14th, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something that is: scrambled.


Unknown said...

Aha! This prompt and yesterday's go together, so we're looking for anagrams of magenta... I have gateman and magnate. I guess we have to wait till tomorrow now for the answer? And I wonder if there's a story to be told about the magnate's magenta gateman?

Maureen looked at the board carefully: three tiles (U, N, C) in her hand ought to be enough to find 5 more points to win, but if she didn't use them all then Ellen would certainly use her last tile and might eke a victory out. That last play of UNDERDOG was both strategic, cutting off the last access to the bottom middle triple word score, and censorious, and Maureen preferred to be the only person making comments about the game. Her eyes fell on the earlier play of LOSER and her heart leaped for a moment -- was CLOSE-RUN hyphenated or not? But there was also a lonely T from THREAT nearby as well and all she needed to do was scramble the letters in her hand a little to find a dictionary word....

Marc said...

Greg - sigh. Sometimes, sir, you are a bit much :P

Lol. I'm trying to think of an alternative to the obvious and am failing. That might be because my mind keeps coming back to it though.