Wednesday June 5th, 2019

The exercise:

Write about: going up.

Miles' numbers are still improving, slowly. They're still not finding anything that would suggest it's anything other than T.E.C.

We're back home, relieved and tired. Not sure when the next blood test will be done, but I'm hoping we can hold off for a bit.

Miles had a great time playing in the playroom at Children's... but he was still excited when we announced it was time to head for home.


Greg said...

That's all good news, except maybe for the being tired bit. And it's definitely good news that Miles enjoyed the trip!

Going up
"Have we won?" asked Lord Derby. He turned away from the stack of slabs, and faced the King directly.
"I have no idea, Ernest," said the King. "I don't think anyone explained enough of the rules to me to know what winning would look like. I normally ask you in these circumstances."
"Things have changed," said Lord Derby slowly. "I... we know a lot more now than we did before, certainly. We know more about the sundering of Carcos-"
"We know what the King in Yellow has told us," said Gray without looking up from the slabs. Lord Derby's eyebrow twitched, the only hint that he resented being interrupted. "We will need to see if we can find any evidence to support what we saw."
"I think I would have said much the same," said Lord Derby.
"And you'll need to write it all down," said Gray. He shifted one slab to the floor and looked at the one below it. The muscles in his forearms stood out as he did so, suggesting they were heavier than they looked, and Samual walked to his side to help him if he needed to move more. "We need a proper record."
The King smiled faintly as the absolute calm on Lord Derby's face.
"I think you should let Ernest finish," he said. "I know I will have much more for him to do, and he could probably do with a bath by now."
Samual might have coughed, or he might have been abruptly having to hide a chuckle.
"We also need to interrogate Grace," said Lord Derby. There was a note of distaste on interrogate. "Necessary, to understand who she thought she was working for. And, probably, to understand what happened with Dignity while they were travelling together. There are some Polish soldiers as well, who can provide some more answers. They seem friendly."
Samual nodded, and then picked up two slabs at Gray's direction. He set them down on the couch, which groaned like a sick patient.
"We have some kind of record of Labdaris's actions that will need to be transcribed to something a little more portable, and then circulated appropriately. We have, Sire, won in terms of an increase in knowledge I suppose. We may have lost in that some of the knowledge only tells us that we are in a far more fragile world than we previously thought, and there may be nothing we can do about that. We may have won a little more in that we know something about the armies of the King in Yellow and that they're not directed at us. We may have lost a little in that we now know Labdaris is once again a threat."
"On balance, Ernest?"
Lord Derby shrugged and ran a hand through his hair, looking both tired and boyish. "3 points?" he suggested.
"Better than a kick in the crotch," said Samual. Then he turned perfectly white, dropped to one knee, and said "Begging your Majesty's pardon!" as fast as he could get the words out.
"Quite," said the King. "Well, this will do for now I suppose. I shall be going up to the Council chambers as I am late for several meetings and people will wish to complain about it. All of you -- I know you have more to do before you'll rest, but make sure you are rested before this time tomorrow, when we shall reconvene."

Marc said...

Greg - yeah he had a blast. And is continuing to do well. So good news all around at this point.

We're still pretty tired after all this though.

Hah, Samual. So glad you found it in your heart to spare him :)