Saturday June 15th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: settling.


Settled in the mountains, he poured a stiff drink
And tried to enjoy the view.
But then came word of Big Buddy's latest hit,
Which sent him spinning anew...


Unknown said...

Well, the mountains sound like a nice place for the Master to hide out for a while, and I think I too would enjoy the view. But... it sounds like Buddy might be very much off-programme now, which is worrying. And if I were the Master I'd be checking out the other two robots too, just to be on the safe side.

Arises when he sees the shorelines, set-
-tles deep within his soul. The Shadow shud-
-ders, also knowing this is not a worth-
-while goal. The men retreat back to the ship.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, I wouldn't trust the two robots he has holed himself up with either. But I guess only time will tell how that portion of the tale plays out.

Hmm. Back to the ship we go then, huh? Really like the Shadow's part in your poem, by the way.