Tuesday June 11th, 2019

The exercise:

Write two haiku about something that is: gone but not forgotten.

Sunday marked 11 years since the start of this blog. And I forgot the anniversary yet again, thanks to me not creating it at the start of the month.

Though, to be honest, I'm not sure how much that would have actually helped me to remember the date...


Greg said...

Well, that's a terrifying way to open a post when you've recently been telling us that Miles needed a blood transfusion :-/

However, it cheered up again, so that's a relief! And congratulations on 11 years of blogging -- there can't be a lot of people who can lay claim to that. In fact, I'm sort of used to blogs dying after just a couple of years, so I'm very happy that yours continues on :)

Gone but not forgotten
Once you moved out, I
Realised I still loved you.
I love my space more.

Gone, not forgotten,
I don't want you back but I
Never missed you more.

Marc said...

Greg - ah, my apologies. I guess this just goes to show how much I'd relaxed about Miles by this point that he wasn't on my mind at all when I came up with this prompt.

Anyway... thanks!

Ooh, these two are good. I'm not sure which I like more, but maybe the first by a touch. That final line packs a punch.