Saturday June 22nd, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: the twins.


You see, Buddy had gone after the Karsk twins
For sins he couldn't forgive,
But The Master was horrified to learn that
It'd let the wrong brother live.


Unknown said...

I'm actually surprised Buddy let either twin live since he seems to be rather "efficient" when it comes to dealing with the Master's problems. Still, I'm not worried for the Master yet, since he's got protection still!

The twins
The sky above is dominated by
The Twins, and Gemini’s a tricky o-
-men. Belladonna draws more prayers; though some
Are pure the rest are stolen. Time to leave.

Marc said...

Greg - perhaps one day I'll go into the details of how this one went so wrong. But for not, I just need to figure out what comes next in the poem :P

Hmm, time to leave indeed. Curious to see where you go next with this tale.