Friday June 18th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the lost librarian.


Greg said...

This sounds like a children's book title... one you're writing? About the intrepid investigating duo Maxx and Mylzz, who, every book have a new animal companion to help them out, but who mysteriously disappears at the end of the book just before a delicious meat pie is served to heroes. In the Lost Librarian Doris, a mild-mannered librarian who loves children and applesauce (though not together) disappears one afternoon just before Maxx can try (for the fifth time) to check out the complete works of William Burroughes leaving Maxx, Mylzz and seven other children locked in an otherwise empty library. As they start investigating they discover the basement door, beyond which is a small bear who decides they are fun and tags along to help them. Further into the basement they discover that Doris has been forced to build and run a still which produces a strange clear liquid that tastes like fire. The bear rather likes it. As they journey on, finding that the tunnel runs from under the library to under the school, and then to under the fire station they learn more secrets about the town and finally find Doris, tied up and struggling to breathe after an asthma attack, on a stack of old tyres. Untying her, they save her and return to the library. Doris reveals to the town what's being going on, and everyone enjoys a delicious bea^H^H^Hmeat pie. I guess.

The lost librarian
"We lost Evan when he decided to translate the Liber d'Ivonicus," said Lizzie, gesturing at a middle-aged man who was sitting at library desk and staring a thousand-yard stare at the wall. "He used to be looking out of the window but that was removed when we renovated and now he just stares at the wall."
"Doesn't he ever move?" asked Charles. "I mean, does he go to the toilet still, or what?"

morganna said...

She wanders through the meadow, wondering how to get back to her beloved books. She should never have opened that book, she thinks, the one that was locked with five separate padlocks and chained to the table in the very back of the stacks. But she had found the temptation irresistable, when she found the note in the librarian files and solved the clues to find the five keys. As soon as she turned the cover over, she found herself sucked into the picture she saw on the first page, a meadow full of flowers.

Marc said...

Greg - I do so enjoy it when you let your creative insanity off its leash like this...

Well, I mean, if he's not eating he wouldn't need to...?

Morganna - this feels like the start of an intriguing and fun story. I'd be quite pleased if I'm about to discover that you've chosen to continue it!