Tuesday June 8th, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: Gollum.

Boys are on a Lord of the Rings kick, so there have been many, many questions recently. A fair amount of them pertaining to this guy.


Greg said...

Gollum does play a larger role in the tale than you'd have any reason to expect from his character and the way he behaves. From the Ring's perspective, meeting Gollum is probably the worst thing that ever happened to it :)

So... are you making them read the books out loud to you before bedtime then? You should probably start teaching them Elvish as well ;-)

Smèagol saw gold
as Summer waxed and fish swam.
Dèagol had it

Clouds hide Gladden Fields,
Dèagol, strangled, stares up.
The Ring has chosen.

Marc said...

Greg - haven't started on the books yet, just a lot of questions about the movies and the Hobbits and Elves and Ents and Orcs and... and... and...

Ooh, that is a shudder-inducing final line in your second. It has chosen indeed.