Wednesday June 16th, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: prevarication.


Greg said...

Hmm, a curious prompt coming so soon after we learned that Yoda is just Gandalf with a bilious attack... are you suggesting that some of Star Wars might be... a lie?

She says she has a quibble
Over what is definitional
And needs to know the facts
To certify the acts
Of her client
Lacked ill intent.

The judge does not agree
And insists the court must see
That right down at the roots
Of this, she is in cahoots
With the lawyer for the other side.
Her eyes are opened wide
And she gasps, a little faintly,
And prepares to be all saintly.

"Prevaricator", says the judge
and gives the Clerk of Court a nudge
To ensure the definition is recorded.
"Prevaricator, you have distorted
The works of man until they're broken
And every word that you have spoken
Is a lie -- a lie both pure and simple."
She begins to whimper.

morganna said...

Prevarication is the art of procrastination, as practiced in conversation when asked to give an opinion.

Marc said...

Greg - the word popped into my head, I think during a morning commute. That's all. Plus, I'm just reading these comments now for the first time, so any relation between prompts and responses is entirely coincidental. Other than the Saturday prompts, because I'm not mean enough to prompt you without reading the previous entry.

This is a remarkable bit of work. Makes me feel even worse about taking so long to write a simple article for the Gazette.

Either way, consider me impressed!

Morganna - ah hah ha, I like this a lot :)