Tuesday June 15th, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: Luke Skywalker.

Star Wars, the boys' other current obsession.


Greg said...

I have internet at home now! So I think this means that the flat is essentially complete and I am all moved in. I still need to sign the contract (there's a Maltese thing where they dislike doing that as it allows them to ask for the rent in cash and avoid tax, but new laws intended to stop that mean I have to provide the contract to my work to prove my address, so... they're still figuring out what contract they're going to present, and I think I'll still be paying rent in cash...).

I'm not really sure how a Star Wars/Lords of the Rings mashup or crossover would quite work. I guess both universes have magic (the Force is magic no matter how far in the future you are and calling it midichlorians without explaining how they work just shifts the magic from sword-go-woosh to purebloods vs muggles...) but I guess I can try :)

Luke Skywalker
Yoda is Gandalf
(after some food poisoning)...
Luke is a hobbit.

Han is Boromir,
Chewbacca is a balrog...
Lord of the Star Wars!

Greg said...

Apologies for the second post, but I think this might have given me some insight into why you dislike my Ilmatu so much :)

morganna said...

I went in a different direction ...

He stalks along the
Plane's wing, atmosphere rushing
Past, cool, confident.

Nothing flusters him.
For dips and rolls, he holds fast
To a sturdy strut.

Marc said...

Greg - I hate that link so much, I'm not commenting on your haiku.


Okay, fine. I like the ideas present in your first.

Morganna - well I for one appreciate your different direction :)