Monday June 7th, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: the shot.

Received my first vaccine dose this afternoon. So far only a bit sore, but I'm still holding out hope for a third arm.


Greg said...

Which vaccine did you get? Because only Sputnik gives you the third arm (and sometimes extra fingers on your previous hands). Pfizer lets you receive radio on your fillings, and Moderna gives you greatly enhanced night-vision but a tendency to grow extra body hair and shed in Spring and Autumn.

The shot
As Danya ventured further down the stairs she came below the level of the spouting water and a light spray dampened her clothes. She hesitated a moment, realised she was getting wetter by doing so, and hurried on down. Then she slowed again as her feet slipped on the stairs where the spray was making them slick. She frowned, furrowing her brow like her mother used to plow the field to plant crops, wondering why anyone would make such a dangerous thing, and then took hold of the bannister and carefully made her way down.

To her astonishment she reached a door and the stairs continued on, further down and she could see no end -- but this was largely due to the waterfall in the central space preventing her from looking over properly. To her knowledge stairs this big to a cellar were unusual -- though the rest of the tower's stairs had been like this so maybe the builder only knew how to make stairs this size? -- but after a cellar there was... earth? rock maybe?

She pushed the door open, wondering what number to give this floor. Sixty seemed silly since 59 was at the top, but what number was there before 1? Zero, obviously, but then what? The door moved slowly and the hinges creaked and squealed like her brother when they played games together, and for a moment she thought it would be nice to have him here with her, sharing her exploration. Then she forgot all about him as she walked through the doorway into a large room whose lights came on in rows, marching away from her, and seemed to disappear into the distance.

Huge metal machines were laid out in a grid arrangement and they towered above her, certainly more than three times her height. Wires led between some of them, and others had wires at the top that vanished up above wherever the lights were. Many of the machines had coloured lights darting across them and moving in curious patterns, and some had the light-up screens that she was familiar with from the upper floors of the tower. She walked through, staring around her in amazement and awe, staying away from the machines out of a sense that they were powerful and not to be touched. As she reached the middle of the vast room she found a room within the room: a small, boxy thing with thin walls, windows all around, and a door in the middle of one side. Through the windows she could see more screens, and a large table or desk in the middle of it.

Then a loud bang, something might have described as a shot had she ever been told about guns, rang out.

Marc said...

Greg - Moderna. Which is unfortunate, because I already have more than enough body hair.

Growing sense of unease going on here. Don't like it but also like it a lot. Keeping my fingers crossed for Danya.