Friday June 25th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: under the dome.

I feel like, as an adult, I am quite regularly hearing weather terms that I never knew about as a child.

Also? I feel like the similarity to Thunderdome is entirely intentional.


Greg said...

I think the issue is that we understand a lot of things, like weather, a lot better than we did forty years ago. Computers have changed a lot of things where simulations can make a difference or very large tranches of data need to be processed, and so we're now having to invent names for things that we can actually see and understand, whereas previously it was just 'darn tootin' hot in them thar hills, Jonny-boy." So yeah, you get new names for things, and you worry more about things that previously you were ignorant of. And most of the time you were better off not worrying :)

Under the dome
"How curious," said Dr. Heathers. "It seems like the Ilmatu lay eggs but the eggs don't hatch in the normal temperatures that the Ilmatu prefer, but need a heat shock of some kind."
"And where did you say the heat dome was being pushed to this year?" asked her colleague as worry started to crease her face.
"Oh, over what's left of the ice-cap," said Dr. Heathers.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, that's fair I suppose. And you're most certainly right about the stuff we're better off not worrying about.

Sure, why not. Eggs hatching these delightful creatures, whilst also melting the last of the ice cap. Why. Friggin'. Not.