Friday August 13th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: losing the plot.


Greg said...

Hmm, given we have a fishing theme, I assume that the plot in this case is the stretch of land on the riverbank where you stand to fish? Have you been gazumped by a coterie of Dark Fishermen who are scheming to control the river and all the fish in it? o_O

Losing the plot
Joanna seemed frantic: she was picking up the couch cushions and replacing them after peering beneath, pushing her hand down the sides and back of the couch, picking up and shaking the magazines on the coffee table and discarding them when nothing dropped out, and generally fussing around the room like the opposite of a cleaner. Marcus sipped his tea and moved out of her way for the third time, and asked her what the problem was.
"I've lost the plot!" she said, glaring at him, though the effect was ruined by her glasses being askew on her nose. "You know, the plot for my novel about the Dark Fishermen of the European Rivers who are planning on staging an aquatic coup!"

Marc said...

Greg - no, but I'd be totally down for that.

Also: if you went any direction other than cemetery plot with yours, I will be disappointed.

Well... disappointed is too strong a word after reading this. Because it's so great. So... delight, tinged with disappointment.
