Tuesday August 10th, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: wildfire fighters.

The three wildfires in our area continue to burn out of control. I can only imagine how tired those crews are.


Greg said...

I suspect "control" is a relative phrase when fighting wildfires -- there's simply too large an area to try and manage and so you kind of have to just help nature as much as possible and hope that humans haven't done anything too stupid since the last time ("hmm, this area looks nice and flammable, I shall build my house, my children's houses, and our propane-storage facility here"). But i agree, I bet the firefighters are tired.

Wildfire fighters
Homes are like tinder
When you don't use brick and steel
Wildfire-fighters curse.

Wildfire fighters strike:
"Get rid of oxygen now!"
Have they thought this through?

Marc said...

Greg - well they're trying to establish lines between them and surrounding communities, towns, homes, etc, and letting it burn when it's moving away from those places. But the wind gets going and it jumps lines in places and... yeah, it's just too big right now, and too many are burning, to get any proper containment established.

Looks like we're waiting for winter at this point.

Yeah, I am sure that there are some structures they have to protect that make them stop and think, 'Really? Like, you had to build everything with wood?'