Sunday August 8th, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: a shelter from the storm.


Greg said...

I noticed your comment on the haiku this week -- no the repeated start letters were a complete accident, I never even saw them until you pointed them out!

I trust, if there is a storm where you are, it's washing the smoke out of the air thoroughly :)

Shelter from the storm
Thin canvas, once dipped in wax, stretched
Excruciatingly tightly over rigid poles,
Neatly tied in place to pegs hammered down.
This tent looks solid, looks like
Shelter from the storm.

Dark clouds gather densely
Overhead and the wind rises.
Nervous travelers ask to come inside;
The occupants demur worriedly.

Waves of rain lash down, beating the ground and
Overwhelming the wax coating, washing it off.
Rain soaks through the canvas and the cold water bites like
Knives as it drips inside from the tent's roof.

Wailing wind shreds leaves from trees and we
Evacuate the tent just as it
Launches itself high into the air.
Left with no choice, we seek new shelter from the storm.

Marc said...

Greg - well, the smoke went away for a couple days. Yay?

Hahaha, I almost missed the acrostic. Well done, sir. Well done.