Tuesday August 24th, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: crabs.

Crab hunting at the beach this afternoon was pretty successful. Also collected a whole lot of shells.


morganna said...

Sideways walking in
A shell ain't easy, you know.
Hold your seahorses!

Tiny footprints in
The sand skitter here and there
When the sea runs back.

Greg said...

Collecting shells sounds like a children kind of thing to do... I hope your parents have space for them :)

@Morganna: nice to see you again! I like both your haiku, but especially your second today; the middle line really makes it for me.

She says she has crabs.
I don't know what to think. How
Do I ask "What kind?"

Everything evolves
To be a crab in the end.
You're almost there, boss!

(The second one inspired by this -- carcinization :)

Marc said...

Morganna - absolutely love your first :)

Greg - my parents already have a ton in their house. We brought home a couple (small) bags worth.

Hah, like your first one best as well. The "other kind" jokes kept popping into my head whenever the boys were talking about crabs but I managed to stay strong and keep them to myself.