Friday June 18th, 2010

The exercise:

Your four lines of prose this fine Friday, this fine, sunny Friday, this fine, sunny, last day I'll ever work in a cubicle Friday, shall be inspired by the word: farewell.

And... I'm not sure what to say about this other than it somehow managed to make a great day even better. Welcome to anyone arriving here through there, please make yourself at home, and I hope you stay awhile and share your writing with us.


This week has absolutely flown past - it's like I've been standing on a highway median and the days were cars doing twice the speed limit.

It's certainly a glorious, triumphant sensation to be done this stage of my life and be preparing for the next. But it was also a little sad having to say farewell to a great group of people - I think it's safe to say that these are the best terms I've left my employer on in my life.

But at the end of the day... it feels so damned good to be free and heading for the farm.


Heather said...

Marc- Congrats on the recognition! You must be glowing like an expectant mother. I loved the comparison of speeding cars to days going by. Nicely done.

So, what are you going to be doing on the farm, besides farming?

"Farewell," I whispered with a sadness that sent a chill through my wife's warm body. I turned and began walking toward the gate, a joy wrapping itself quietly around me with each step. I knew I should turn back, reach for her, grasp at the quickly fading light, anything to indicate I was fighting for my life; it was expected of me. Instead, I moved ahead with only slightly less than reckless abandon as those old pearl gates swung open and I heard the choir sing.

morganna said...

Congratulations on the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. It sounds like this is a fantastic new thing for you. I hope it exceeds your expectations.

My four lines are based on your words, and on some stuff going on in my life. Out of the blue, someone has asked me to use some skills I used to use all the time, years ago, as an administrative assistant. I haven't done this kind of work in years, but it feels really good to use these old skills. And without further ado, my four lines of prose:

In every end there is a beginning. Old skills lie dormant, surpassed by new skills needed for a new life. When needed, the old skills are back, perhaps even better for their time of rest. A new chapter begins.

Greg said...

Congratulations again! I guess it's official this time :) It was a pretty good little bio piece too, I'm jealous.

And congratulations on the last day of work -- how scary is it to know that you're changing jobs and lifestyles again?


"Farewell, Adieu, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodby--"
"You're all terrible! You must try harder!" The Von Trapp kids shuffled their feet and looked embarrassed, wondering not for the first time who the strange green glowing man with a lightbulb on his shirt was, and why he'd kidnapped them.

Marc said...

Heather - thanks very much!

And other than farming, I shall be doing lots of writing, taking some pictures now and then, and figuring out the rest as it comes :)

That's a great take on the prompt, very evocative.

Morganna - thanks very much! And even if it just meets my expectations that will be more than enough for me :)

And my best to you on your new old journey!

Greg - it's a little scary and a lot exciting. It's a delicate balance :P

Your four lines made me laugh... I suppose that means a bit less to you, now that we've met and you know how easily I laugh. Ah well, it was good stuff regardless :)