Monday August 25th, 2008

The exercise:

Using the prompt from yesterday's meeting: write down two places you want to go, seven things you see around you right now, four things you hear and five chores you want to avoid. Draw ideas from your list and go!

I liked the idea of creating lists as a starter so I think I'll try that out here at least a few times. There were actually several more things to list but by the time I got these down an idea had already been sparked so I just went with it.


Places to go: Spain, Thailand
Things I see: thrones, ceiling fan, exposed pipes, fake flowers, clock, piano
Things I hear: music, children, footsteps, thoughts
Chores to avoid: laundry, dishes, clean floors, weed garden

The street king sat proudly on his broken down throne, unaware or without a care for the jutting springs, splintered wooden armrests or the stuffing erupting like white lava from the cushions. He watched with a toothy smile as his many children danced around him, each to his or her own imagined choir.

This was not what he dreamed of when he arrived from Spain, this palace of exposed pipes and rusted ceiling fans; the clock on the wall that claimed it had been twenty past seven for the last five years; the perfectly out of tune piano in the corner. No, this was not his dream.

But this court of fools was his: the woman from Thailand who taught school back home but cleaned floors for a living now; the jester with a weed garden; the children who sold fake flowers to tourists who felt bad about the obvious poverty of the boys and girls but couldn't be bothered to really do something about it.

The street king rose and marched, military style, across the room, his footsteps echoing faintly off the bare walls. All eyes were on him during his hourly inspection, striding the length and breadth of his kingdom. He slowly made his way back to his crumbling throne, satisfied. All was as it should be.

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