Wednesday May 6th, 2009

The exercise:

So it would seem I've done gone been chosen to be one of the moderators over at Protagonize. We don't know what exactly our role will be quite yet, but I'm looking forward to finding out and helping out our Overlord Nick. I can't imagine how he's managed to do it all himself for so long.

Anywho - today's prompt, oddly enough, is: moderation.


My dear boy has lost his concentration -
It seems like our nightly conversations
Have been replaced by his fascination
With foolish attempts at levitation!

I've told him he has no navigation;
Should he succeed in his operation
I am afraid that the situation
Will conclude with his own termination!

So I mention with great trepidation,
And with some motherly obligation:
Perhaps you should take your medication,
And do your drinking in moderation?


Greg said...

Lovely use of the -tion ending at each line there! Would levitation not help when playing ultimate though?

Sorry to hear that you lost your games, I guess they'll just have to be your warm-up before you take the competition by storm!

Oh, and I'm sure you'll be a great moderator!


There was a young lass at the station
Who berated the whole population,
She'd storm round about,
Scream, hiss and shout,
That all things just need moderation.

ElshaHawk said...


It's moderately chilly outside, if you're a polar bear or penguin.

It's moderately wet outside, if you live on a houseboat.

Today's only moderately different from yesterday.

Yet the tiny difference could mean the world.

Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

Yay for our moderator-ness *high five* I think it's gonna be really fun! *claps hands gleefully*

Haven't written anything for ages so here goes!


The January winter, oh what botheration!
The final spring sun, oh what elation!
The summery scorch, too much, it's suffocation!
The autumn chill, well there goes my vacation...

Why is it us English are always in frustration?
We don't seem to like our mild fluctuations,
And yet it seems such an exageration!
Because to others our weather is quite in moderation!

Rose said...

p.s. sorry bout deleting my comment...I just made some spelling errors in the first one and they were annoying me, and I couldn't see an edit feature! lol x

Marc said...

Greg - thank you. I hope I do at least *moderately* well. Har de haaaaar har.

I love the irony in yours :)

Elsha - haha, love the comparisons! And a very poignant finishing line too.

Rose - aye, I'm looking forward to it. I like the message in your poem. Not always easy to be grateful for what we have, is it?

And no worries about the comment deletion. The lack of editing drives me crazy too - I deleted two posts in a row over on Pictures, Poetry, and Prose once because I missed a second typo when I fixed the first one.

*reads over this long frickin' comment very closely before hitting publish*