Wednesday February 25th, 2009

The exercise:

Today's starter is 'the job is done.'

I always find it interesting when a starter is inspired by something and then I write about something else entirely. That wasn't the case yesterday, but it certainly is today.

I was celebrating the completion of an extremely dull task at work today and then I went and wrote this.


The last nail is in place,
Sweat rolls down your face;
Brush away the dirt
From a well worn shirt.
Stand back and admire
This work so inspired.

Stand quiet to hear
Deep peace drawing near;
Your work is now done,
Your rest is hard won.
Please sit for a spell,
Breathe deep and be well.


Greg said...

There are dark undertones to your poem that rather appeal to me, working on two levels simultaneously. The last line is a great conclusion.

That said, I hope that your current tasks are less dull!

So, the job is done:

On the beach in the moonlight
At the start of a long night
We fired up the barbecue.

We waited for the tide to turn
To bring us salvage, things that burn,
And this time, an entire whale.

A man stepped out of the whale's throat
Clearly he'd used it as a sailboat,
And he stood and told us his name.

The barbecue's hot; it's time to eat
It's been years since we last had such meat,
And now, Job is done.

Marc said...

Ha, Job - nice!

And thanks for the kind words on mine - I quite liked how it turned out myself :)