Thursday January 8th, 2009

The exercise:

I picked up a wireless router this afternoon and just finished setting it up. All I'm going to say is this: doing this update on my comfy couch is significantly nicer than doing it from my butt-destroying computer chair. Laptop + wireless internet = win.

To mark the occasion, today's starter is: no wires needed.


All eyes are on me as my right foot reaches out to feel the tightrope wire. If it were not for the cloth ceiling directly above me I'd be even higher. A bead of sweat slips into my eye - being in this spotlight is like being set on fire.

My left foot joins his companion and I sway gently back and forth, feeling like I'm flying through the air. Without a safety wire to reassure them, everyone is silent, breath held - even the dancing bear. I know my mother is in the crowd, probably mouthing a prayer. I take a deep breath and throw my arms above my head with a flair.

I spin around twice, arms out with a single raised knee. I leap into the air, land and leap again without spilling a single drop of tea. I dart forward like a mouse escaping a hawk, leap twice more and land on the opposite platform safely. Ballerina's ain't got nothing on me.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the wireless router. It really does make a world of difference.

That's an awesome piece you wrote. I like the unexpected bits of rhyme that pop up throughout. And I know who your writing reminds me of now! The late great Shel Silverstein. You have a quirky, tongue-in-cheek style that is similar to his.

Marc said...

Your compliment intrigues me, as I've never heard of him before.

But rest assured, I'm on my way to the Vancouver Public Library's homepage right now to check out a couple books.

I'm sure I'll be even more pleased once I've read some of his stuff, but I'm quite happy already - thank you :)

Laura Jayne said...

I thought to tie him to me
with ribbons
pink, red, yellow
in my hair, and flirt

I thought to tie him to me
with strings
apron strings and cook
my way to his heart

But I had to tie him
with piano wire
and it is such a shame
he isn't much use now

(ok... bit creepy, but you said not to self edit ;) )

Marc said...

Ha ha, creepy but brilliant. That was great, thanks for sharing :)