Monday March 23rd, 2009

The exercise:

We had T-bone steak for dinner tonight and it was delicious, if I may say so myself. I can still feel it sitting happily in my belly right now - in fact I think it was getting in the way of finding a writing prompt. So I gave up and let it choose.

So the starter is: a well made steak. Interpret that as you like.


One strong hawthorn stick,
A touch of garlic,
Dipped in hot silver,
Blessed with a quiver.
The stake is ready -
Keep your hand steady;
May your aim be true,
May your prey fear you,
And before sunrise,
May you claim your prize.


Greg said...

A little vampire hunting going on there? Of course, they're supposed to turn to dust when they're staked, so I guess there'd be no chance of getting a decent rare steak from them....

A well made steak

Grass quivers,
I sink, slowly, letting my shadow fall
As naturally as a leaf.
I flow
With the lines of the earth
As sinuous as Coleridge's rills.
Even Gaia holds her breath.


We wrestle, an eternity bound into seconds,
The iron stench of blood sprung free
Elemental combat of animal and man
One of us must win his dinner.

septembermom said...

Your post made me hungry :) So now I'm inspired to change my dinner menu tonight. Writing will have to wait :)

Marc said...

Greg - oh, I like that. Very different from your previous contributions. I like the 'eternity bound into seconds' very much.

September - well that's an all new kind of inspiration sprung from my writing! I hope dinner went well :)

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