Tuesday March 3rd, 2009

The exercise:

I overheard someone at work this morning talking about today being square root day. I therefore felt obliged to indulge in this bit of nonsense by making today's starter: square root.


You and me are the square root of we
Multiplied by our special chemistry
Never divided by fights
Or subtracting from our light
We are united on our path
With our unique style of math


Anonymous said...

Square root day? Hmmm...it's a challenge...Love your writing prompts!

Just dropped by to say that u'been linked up for the "Holding Hands" series:)

Greg said...

Hmmph. As a mathematician, I'm unimpressed with square root day, which I quite happily throw into a pile with the likes of Kabbalah and the Bible Code. Nonetheless, a prompt is a prompt, so let's see where we go with it:

Square root

"Take the square root," she said, "and multiply by Pi,"
"Its imaginary," I replied, "I get 1 over i,"
"And so is our love," she said, "It'll never grow old.
I solved the heat equation and found the answer was COLD."

Other remarks: glad you liked yesterday's attempt at Dr. Seuss, but I can't promise to do the homework unless I get the books for my niece or nephew.
And I rather like your poem today, although being a mathematician I would have used unioned in place of united in order to reference set theory as well.

I'll go and shut up now...


Unknown said...

What is the square root of your desire?
What is the factor of my heart,
The multiples of this fire?
The numbers add up
But I can't compute the root of you.

Meh, not wonderful, but then again math was never my strong suit!

Marc said...

Naperville mom - glad you're enjoying the prompts, and thanks kindly for the link :)

Greg - you know, I was thinking there was a better word than united. Thanks for letting me know ... for... uh, next time.

Ana - ah, romantic math. There's nothing else quite like it!