Monday March 9th, 2009

The exercise:

Alright, basically happy with the new layout - let me know what you think!

So this article totally creeped me out. Maybe 'unsettling' would be the better description.

Either way, today's starter is: planning ahead.


A little piece here,
Another piece there;
Oh what a surprise there'll be
When they come to see me!

I am the king of this cage,
See how they cower as I rage!
Oh they're having quite the fit -
That was a direct hit!

Here comes the man with the food,
Think I'll stone him too!
Or perhaps I'll have a nap instead,
I should really rest my fuzzy head...


Tracy said...

It's possible to plan ahead
But impossible to plan a head
Because no matter your intent
Its human nature to argue (ment)
And most will go with their plan instead.

Marc said...

Haha, that's great Tracy! Wonderful take on the starter :)